Brand: Stille

Stille is a Swedish medical device company, which designs, develops, manufactures and sells products for selected procedures in the surgery and urology spaces. The company origins dates back to 1841, when Albert Stille took over a workshop for making surgical hand instruments for the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. Even today, Stille builds and leverages on its long history and tradition. The surgical instruments are still forged and shaped by hand, resulting in instruments of the highest quality, functionality and precision. Stille continues to collaborate with leading surgeons in the development of its instruments.

Image Table

STILLE imagiQ3™ Legacy

Built on decades of experience with thousands of imagiQ™ units all over the world, imagiQ3™ Legacy embeds new technologies while keeping the renowned imagiQ™ high radiolucency and legendary True Free Float™. One step ahead, imagiQ3™ Legacy pushes the limits of perfection and is a masterpiece in operating rooms and cathlabs.

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ImagiQ2 Imaging Table

Stille most advanced table for use during procedures such as cardiovascular surgery, pain management, urology, and neurosurgery, where precision and high quality imaging are critical.

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