Standard Bipolar Forceps
Sterile Single-use Standard Bipolar Forceps with fine stainless steel tips with a range of sizes including 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0mm.
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Multiple award winning medical device manufacturer DTR Medical sell and market its own brand of sterile single-use surgical instruments, priding themselves on developing new and innovative products that are used throughout ENT/Maxfax, Gynaecology, Dermatology, Vascular, Orthopaedics, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology and General Surgery. Since 2019 DTR Medical becomes part of the Innovia Medical Group of companies.
Sterile Single-use Standard Bipolar Forceps with fine stainless steel tips with a range of sizes including 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0mm.
Langenbeck Retractor allows surgeons to pull back soft tissues and incision or wound edges.
Mosquito forceps are a type of hemostatic forceps commonly used to hold delicate tissue or compress a bleeding vessel.
Sterile Single-use Standard Bipolar Forceps with fine stainless steel tips with a range of sizes including 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0mm.
The Shea Ear Specula is inserted into a patient’s ear canal to allow safe examination of the middle and inner ear.
The Sinus Suction Handle is used for removal of mucus and exudate from the sinus cavity. It is supplied in a range of lumen diameter and a range of bend angles.
Episiotomy Scissors are used to perform episiotomies during delivery. These scissors are angled with smooth and blunt tip.
Spackman Insufflation Cannula is a device to enable the surgeon to inject a blue dye into the Uterus. This is a sterile single use instrument.
Westcott Scissors is used for blunt dissection of delicate ocular tissue. They are also used for precise cutting of delicate tissue.
Westcott Scissors is used for blunt dissection of delicate ocular tissue. They are also used for precise cutting of delicate tissue.
Tischler Biopsy Punches stainless steel instruments for a consistent and precise biopsy. Sharp first time action to minimise trauma.
Umbilical scissors are especially designed to cut the umbilical cord after delivery. This is a sterile single use instrument.
Ventilation Tubes And Grommets are effective in the management of Eustachian tube dysfunction, chronic otitis media with effusion and recurrent acute otitis media.